Bernalillo County Volunteers and Lookups

The following people are willing do lookups, and beside their name is what they've got available (publication, index, or database). Make sure and put “Bernalillo” in the subject line of your email. Remember, the more information you provide (full names, estimated years, locations), the better the volunteers are able to help. Also, if you request a lookup, don't forget to thank your volunteer for their time.

Interested in volunteering?

Do you have access to any books, publications, indexes, census, or other genealogical material relating to Bernalillo County in which you would be willing to do lookups? How about transcribing a cemetery? Looking up obit? Or indexing a census or local history book?

Please write to me at and let me know how you can help!



Angela Lewis I will do lookups in the following books – these are records for churches in Bernalillo county. The more information you provide (names and estimated dates), the better I can help. New Mexico Roots Ltd by Fray Angelico Chavez (these are the prenuptial marriage investigations covering the years 1678-1869) Marriages - San Felipe de Neri Church (1726-1900) - San Agustin de la Isleta Church (1726-1846) Baptisms - San Felipe de Neri Church (1706-1886) - San Agustin de la Isleta Church (1730-1842)
Eddie Sedillo I will do lookups in the following books - Spanish Recolonization of New Mexico (by José Antonio Esquibel and John B. Colligan) - Origins of New Mexico Families – a Genealogy of the Spanish Colonial Period (by Fray Angelico Chavez) - New Mexico's First Colonists (by David H. Snow)
Angela Lewis Researching the Gurulé surname? More than willing to help anybody with researching their Gurulé ancestry. Please visit my web site at: